Thank you for including our Spike Protein Detox Guide. What a brilliant resource list you have curated.

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Thank you so much, it has been a long time in the making. The work you do at WCH is so inspiring.

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This is an excellent resource and I thank you

However, why are Henry Ealy, ND protocols included here? Or those of other naturopathic practitioners. Joseph Mercola collected a synopsis last year that he posted. And there are others.

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Not enough space! I used every available character. But you are right, this is not an exhaustive list by any means. Also, for Henry Ealy and Energetic Health Institute, my consideration was that there wasn’t a guide per se or a real output to refer people to other than a free chapter on nutrition - which wasn’t really the focus of this list. Perhaps you could list your other naturopathic practitioners here for people in another comment? That would be fantastic.

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I’ve just seen I’m allowed to edit the article so I might try and see if I can add a link to Henry Ealy and the Energetic Health Institute in the middle section on fasting resources when I get a moment. Thanks for the prompt!

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Great! And how about Mercola? I think I saved his lengthy article with the numerous naturopathic products for detoxing? If you would like, I will try to find it in my files and send it to you.

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great summary and excellent resource for treating vax injury AND for treating covid, other viruse, and keeping our immune systems healthy. thank you!

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Thanks! This is a great compilation and must have taken some time to assemble. Not enough people are reading and passing this to those in need. These shots are synthetic material, not biologics, there's nothing the body can do to remove their contents UNLESS you do something about it, otherwise these toxins accumulate inside the body, adding more insult over time.

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You’re very welcome, and I couldn’t agree more.

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This guide looks fantastic. I've just shared it on a forum where users are often asking about potential protocols and treatments. I've noticed so often that what works for one person may not necessarily work for another. People today must truly step up to the plate and research their illnesses and treatments available. You've provided a really valuable resource. Thanks!

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Excellent post. Thank you!

If you write a part 2, you might consider adding cardiologist Dr. Thomas Levy, who made his 'Rapid Viral Recovery' book free and easily available: https://rvr.medfoxpub.com/

His books on using high dose vitamin C, 'Curing the Incurable' and 'Primal Panacea' are mind blowing. He's also a frequent contributor to articles on Orthomolecular News

He is one of the most fascinating doctors on the planet at this time.

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You’re very welcome. A part two could be on the cards one day. I think if enough people share their suggestions though in the comments then over time then this could suffice. Thanks for reading! And for your sharing impulse - I shall look into him.

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Thank you for compiling this tremendous resource. I have shared some of your links already with family members who have been experiencing medical complications post injections. There is something for everyone at each stage of the reveal of the Lie in this Substack.

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Hey Chippy. I'm really sorry your family is going through this right now. Thanks though for your comment, it means a lot.

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Thanks for compiling this.

How about homeopathy?

Mahesh et al., 2023. COVID-19 cases treated with classical homeopathy: a retrospective analysis of International Academy of Classical Homeopathy database. Journal of Global Health Reports. Vol.,7:e2023027. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/371454971_COVID-19_cases_treated_with_classical_homeopathy_a_retrospective_analysis_of_International_Academy_of_Classical_Homeopathy_database (A retrospective observational study (2023) of 300 people experiencing c-19 like symptoms.)

Also, post jab sequelae - here is a link to a peer reviewed 2023 case report (mine) https://sarahpenrose.substack.com/p/homeopathy-and-the-jab

Homeopathy is not an off the shelf one size fits all - it supports the individual

Keep up the good work, Sarah

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Sars Cov 2 is pure fiction. So are ‘spike proteins.

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People can believe in whatever they want to believe regarding SARS Cov 2, viruses, spike proteins etc. I believe it is incumbent on everyone however to know what lies behind the narrative in at least SOME detail. One can't be sure that something is indeed fiction, if one hasn't even a basic grasp of the subject. In order to reject something, one must know of its existence. This is true in many legal contexts. I believe the psychological state of denial works like this also.

Saying that, the thrust of this article is about detoxing - putting natural remedies in the spotlight, and I would say a particular highlight is the mRNA gene therapy platform - which is perhaps the real monster lurking behind all of these themes, in terms of damage caused, and potential damage to humanity, which is immeasurable if adopted for all 'vaccines' going forward and accepted uncritically by the public. So these topics not fictions at all. The context, just so happens to be something that links us all, the propaganda surrounding the 'novel' virus that was so loudly advertised in 2019... It is also my belief that whatever links us all, be it fiction or something very real, has emancipatory potential.

There are so many levels to the warfare that we are experiencing. Personally, I am more interested in the nature of belief than any of these topics here... If a belief leads to a bad outcome for someone, then if it is true or not is largely irrelevant. Someone mentioned homeopathy above. The power of the human mind to heal itself or indeed convince oneself of the reality of something should not be underestimated either. I hope that with this article I have put together, it has introduced some new concepts to people and broadened some horizons at least.

On a population wide scale, the biggest tragedy of the last 4 years has been the general mistrust that I witness amongst friends and family, and the shutting off of intuition, which always points us in the right direction. It is so paradoxical this mistrust, but there we go. You can legitimately wonder whether 'these people' ever really believed in the propaganda to begin with, or if they just wanted to get through it and take the smoothest route out for themselves, devolve critical thinking and decision making to someone else, and pretend like none of it really happened, ie. it wasn't real.

The mistrust is so strong, that one can make the argument that 'these people' are more paranoid conspiracists than you or I or anyone attempting to analyse the various intersections of power and join the dots. They are left with no one to trust, in contrast, I know very well who to go to for real time analysis and world class investigative work. People who have not been afraid to speak out, who have followed events closely, who have previous form in predicting, who have a multidisciplinary focus and an informed overview... This time was make or break for all of us in many ways.

On that note, I contend this 'muting' was one of the main desired outcomes from "The powers that be", throwing certain pharma companies temporarily under the bus in a cloud of shame, whilst ensuring a) profits industry wide would be guaranteed to increase... *nearly everyone is sicker now after all the fear instilled and the experimental shots, and b) a smoother transition to an AI based medical system, devolving decision making of diagnostics and even fuiture pandemic preparedness response away from humans (who didn't cover themselves in glory 'the last time'...) etc. We can see evidence of this most clearly this time around from the huge efforts the medical system went to in denying doctors the right to treat their patients, instead having to follow various sick protocols.

But as I see it, we all have an influence on each other, and a responsibility to ensure chaos, mistrust, confusion are not permanent states. I don't think these artificial purity tests are helping anyone. ie. 'You can't listen to that person, they aren't on board with the whole truth!'. Especially when certain theories proposed are too outrageous or fantastical... some of these proposed solutions can also be in psy-op territory. Whilst there may be some elements of truth to some of the alternative narratives about COVID (5G, self assembling nano-robots, snake-venom, hydra creatures, graphene nano razor blades, etc). There is also a lot of misinformation, and undoubtedly there are figures in the community whose job it is to push these uncritically and sew division that way, which hurts the cause. We have to ask ourselves, 'if a critical mass of people believed X, would it have a realistic chance of making an impact? And/ Or how easily could it be dismissed by the establishments.

To finish, I wanted with this article to reach as many people as possible and not to alienate, to take people wherever they are at their level of inquiry. So I thank you for reading, and I wish you good health and vigour in your continual pursuit of the truth.


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... You can legitimately wonder whether 'these people' ever really believed in the propaganda to begin with, or if they just wanted to get through it and take the smoothest route out for themselves, devolve critical thinking and decision making to someone else, and pretend like none of it really happened, ie. it wasn't real.

The mistrust is so strong, that one can make the argument that 'these people' are more paranoid conspiracists than you or I or anyone attempting to analyse the various intersections of power and join the dots. They are left with no one to trust, in contrast, I know very well who to go to for real time analysis and world class investigative work. People who have not been afraid to speak out, who have followed events closely, who have previous form in predicting, who have a multidisciplinary focus and an informed overview... This time was make or break for all of us in many ways.

On that note, I contend this 'muting' was one of the main desired outcomes from "The powers that be", throwing certain pharma companies temporarily under the bus in a cloud of shame, whilst ensuring a) profits industry wide would be guaranteed to increase... *nearly everyone is sicker now after all the fear instilled and the experimental shots, and b) a smoother transition to an AI based medical system, devolving decision making of diagnostics and even fuiture pandemic preparedness response away from humans (who didn't cover themselves in glory 'the last time'...) etc. We can see evidence of this most clearly this time around from the huge efforts the medical system went to in denying doctors the right to treat their patients, instead having to follow various sick protocols.

But as I see it, we all have an influence on each other, and a responsibility to ensure chaos, mistrust, confusion are not permanent states. I don't think these artificial purity tests are helping anyone. ie. 'You can't listen to that person, they aren't on board with the whole truth!'. Especially when certain theories proposed are too outrageous or fantastical... some of these proposed solutions can also be in psy-op territory. Whilst there may be some elements of truth to some of the alternative narratives about COVID (5G, self assembling nano-robots, snake-venom, hydra creatures, graphene nano razor blades, etc). There is also a lot of misinformation, and undoubtedly there are figures in the community whose job it is to push these uncritically and sew division that way, which hurts the cause. We have to ask ourselves, 'if a critical mass of people believed X, would it have a realistic chance of making an impact? And/ Or how easily could it be dismissed by the establishments.

To finish, I wanted with this article to reach as many people as possible and not to alienate, to take people wherever they are at their level of inquiry. I thank you for reading, and I wish you good health and vigour in your pursuit of the truth.


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Thanks for taking the time to answer Tom 🙏

I never believe. My publication Beyond Certainty is centred on the two colour protocol.

I only go by DATA and MODELS kept fully distinguished

Green stuff and Pink Stuff

Reality and Stories

So for example saying there are no viruses, or unicorns is pink stuff as you imply. It is a story that can never be true.

But what is true is that no shred of evidence has ever been found to support the possibility of biological pathogens. Indeed we are beginning to pick the details. Mistakes were not made. Germ theory was a fraudulent weapon from the start.

Factually the ‘virus genomes’ are created in silico. No evidence that (miraculously) any of these assembled creations have turned up in the real world.

Virology is pure pseudoscience.

At least bacteria are real! Though none have passed any of Koch’s postulates. There is no evidence any bacteria has ever attacked healthy living tissue.

220 years of transmission experiments with zero successes.

The psychopaths rely on fear to control us. Understanding you can’t ‘catch something’ from someone else - from all the evidence so far - makes a massive hole in their plans.

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*Thank you for your comment. If you could provide some springboards / starting points for people in their line of inquiry that support your statements, that would be fantastic. I want this article and comments section eventually to be the most rounded source possible on these topics.

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